Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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What to Do if You're in a Car Accident

Call 911 immediately and don’t leave the scene until the police arrive and take statements.

This is critical no matter how minor you believe the accident is. You are legally required to report any accident that causes more than $500 in damage. If you leave before the police arrive, the other driver can say whatever they like and it’ll be much harder to disprove their story down the line if they lie. What happens if you leave and the other driver says you committed a hit and run? You could be arrested, not to mention be declared at fault for the accident. Having an accurate police report will give you or your attorney a solid foundation to build a case on later if needed. It’s much better to have proper documentation and not need it than need it and not have it.

Seek medical treatment for anyone injured in the accident, including yourself, no matter how minor the injury.

Seeing a doctor will create a record of your injuries, which will be necessary to be compensated for them. Your insurance company will not pay for injuries you didn’t receive treatment for. Also, keep in mind that injuries can become apparent days or weeks after an accident. Seeing a doctor can help spot injuries that might not be obvious. None of us want to go to the doctor if we can avoid the hassle, but the adrenaline and fatigue of being in an accident can hide serious injuries, and the longer you wait to treat them, the harder it will be to prove they were the result of your accident.

Speak to an attorney as soon as possible.

Many people think minor accidents don’t warrant hiring an attorney and they’d be better off handling it on their own. Lawyers don’t do much more than just take a huge part of the money, right? Well, it’s important to consult an attorney for many reasons:

1. Insurance companies are difficult to deal with, don’t want to pay out on claims, and know they can wait you out. Hiring an attorney saves you the time you’d have to spend chasing your money.

2. Sometimes injuries manifest themselves after the accident. Oftentimes, insurance companies try to get you to settle before you are fully aware of your injuries or even the total amount of damage to your car. Hiring an attorney will ensure you are protected from the underhanded games insurance companies will play.

3. It’s a fact that people who deal directly with their insurance company receive less money for their injuries and damages. Hiring an attorney will ensure your claim is given the proper amount of review.

4. What do you have to lose? Hiring an attorney puts you on a different playing field and gives you someone to ask questions to and who will navigate this process for you.

There is a time limit for how long you have to seek damages following an accident and waiting can make your case more difficult. The sooner you speak with an attorney, the better they’ll be able to investigate your accident and make sure all evidence has been properly collected. Sometimes the police miss security cameras or fail to interview witnesses. If you wait weeks to hire an attorney, that evidence will be long gone so act fast. Never accept an insurance company’s settlement offer without speaking to an attorney. The insurance company’s goal is to give you as little money as possible so be sure and speak to someone who’s on your side. Call my firm if you are involved in an accident. I want to make sure you have the representation you deserve with the professionalism you expect.

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