Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


Legal Blog & Firm News

Do I need a lawyer if I've been in a car accident?

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Whether it's a fender bender or a serious accident, a lot of people are hesitant to get a lawyer involved. They are often unsure about why they need a lawyer. They have insurance for their vehicle and medical insurance themselves and they believe that the insurance companies will help them out and pay them what they need. I’ve had many clients feel this way initially only to find that the insurance companies are refusing to pay what they should. This may be for a variety of “reasons” such as they find that my client is partially at fault, or that they say the injuries are not that severe, or that they say the damage to the vehicle isn’t that bad. They don’t take into account the pain and suffering that my clients have endured, or the inconvenience associated with dealing with repairs, medical visits, loss of work, etc. 

The problem that often arises when people wait to get a lawyer involved is that the insurance company has done everything it can to minimize its exposure. It can make the case much more difficult to pursue and it gives the insurance company more avenues to use to avoid accountability. If you are involved in an accident, you should consult with an attorney to understand what your rights are in regards to the accident and your damages. You may not think about all of the ways that this accident can impact your life and having a third party involved can help point out some of the pitfalls that may await you. Also, having a professional involved takes the responsibility off of you and allows you to focus on the most important thing; getting better. 

Insurance companies are not your friend and they are not looking out for your best interests. They have one thing in mind: keeping costs down so they can make profits. We pay a lot of money to have insurance to cover us. If you are injured in an accident you deserve the compensation that you have purchased to protect you. Further, if you have been hurt as the result of someone else’s negligence they should be held accountable. 

Hiring an attorney can streamline medical treatment, can streamline property damage repairs, and can help you get compensated for the other inconveniences that arise as a result of the accident. You can be compensated for loss time at work, or for injuries that limit your ability to do your job. You can be compensated for the loss of value to your vehicle for the damage it received in the accident. You may also have been in an accident with someone with little or no insurance. In that case, if you have uninsured or underinsured coverage (read my previous blog here about why that is important) your attorney can help you get the compensation you purchased in case of that situation. 

Many times, people do not want to deal with the hassle of a lawsuit. I’m here to remind you that hiring me will eliminate that hassle. My firm and I will handle all the aspects of your case and keep you focused on your recovery. If you have been involved in an accident call me immediately to discuss. Time is of the essence and the sooner we speak, the faster I can get you back on the road to recovery. Call me today to discuss! 504-300-8338. Remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren!