Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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I missed my Court date - What do I do?

Frustrated Man

If you received a ticket to appear in Court on a certain date and you missed that date, you likely have what is known as an attachment out for your arrest. What this means is that the Court issued an arrest warrant for your arrest after you failed to appear in Court. Luckily, most local Police agencies will not arrest you for a simple traffic warrant. They will inform you of the warrant and tell you to go fix it. 

However, in some circumstances they may arrest you. For instance, if you missed Court on a misdemeanor offense or if you habitually miss Court, the Officer has the discretion to arrest you on the attachment. You may also face what is known as Contempt of Court. This is an additional fine that is added to your traffic fines for the failure to appear. 

So, what do you do if you missed Court? You should call me immediately to help. I can go to Court and in most circumstances, I can get your attachment recalled. I may also be able to remove the Contempt of Court fine from your case. I can reset your ticket back on the docket and I can help you move the case to completion. I can go to Court in most instances without you needing to be present which will save you time from having to miss work. 

If you missed your Court date, you should not ignore your ticket. The longer it sits out there, the more problematic it can become. Call me today to discuss what to do if you missed your court date. 504-300-8338. Remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren! 504-300-8338