Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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Getting an Expungement in Louisiana

New Orleans Street Car Operator

Now is the best time for people who have prior felony or misdemeanor convictions to consider expunging their records. Currently, the law is the most lenient it has been in a long time to aid people in having prior convictions removed from their background. There are several things to consider when preparing to file for an expungement.

First is whether your plea was taken under articles 894/893. These articles allow for certain crimes to be expunged immediately after the completion of your case. This assumes that you have successfully completed all probation terms, and paid all fines and fees associated with the case. It also assumes that you have not been arrested or convicted of any other crimes during your time on probation. 

The second thing to consider is what the crime you were convicted of was. Certain crimes cannot be expunged. These include most crimes of violence, and sex offenses. While not all crimes can be expunged, most can be. If you have a question regarding whether your case can be expunged call me to discuss.

There are also certain circumstances that allow for an expungement even if you did not take the plea under article 893 or 894. Almost any case that you were arrested and not convicted of a crime can be expunged. Also, if you were convicted of certain crimes but have not been in trouble for more than 5 years for misdemeanors or 10 years for felonies, you may be eligible to file for an expungement as well.

Recently, on August 1, 2019 the Governor signed into law a new provision that allows for people who have received first offender pardons to be eligible to file for expungements on any crime that is not a crime of violence or sex offense. 

If you have had a prior conviction that is hassling you and making it difficult to get a job, or to apply for certain rights, then you should explore your options regarding an expungement. Call me to discuss to today your options: 504-300-8338. Remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren! 504-300-8338