Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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Getting a ticket in Jefferson Parish - What do I do Now?

Police Officer Writing Ticket

Dealing with a police officer can be a nerve-wracking experience. Getting a ticket is scary, the police officer is likely to be brusque and uninformative about what to do, and at the end of the experience you’re left holding a piece of paper and unclear about the next steps.

First, I would recommend contacting me to discuss your options. If you have received a moving violation, you need to understand the ramifications of what can happen if you plead guilty. First, your Insurance company will be notified and you will likely see a premium increase. Second, depending on what the infraction is, you may have a loss of driving privileges or you may face substantial fines and fees, and in some cases even jail time.

Hiring an attorney in this situation would have a number of benefits for you. First, it eases your mind and removes the anxiety from the situation. Second, you likely will not need to appear in Court which will save you from taking time off of work. Finally, hiring an attorney will likely result in your ticket being amended to an infraction that will not affect your insurance. This is not guaranteed, however.

There are two specific cases where this applies. The first is if you are caught speeding greater than 25 mph or if you are in an accident and did not have insurance at the time of the accident. In both of these cases there are still things an attorney can do to assist but the District Attorney will be less likely to agree to a reduction to a non-moving violation.

If you received a ticket in Jefferson Parish you should contact me right away. I can help you with your ticket, likely keep your fines and fees costs down, and make sure your insurance premiums are not negatively affected. Give me a call today to discuss your ticket and your options. 504-300-8338. Remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren!