Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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New Days, New Court Procedures During Covid-19

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The Coronavirus is dramatically changing our daily lives and we must be prepared for what this means when it comes to Court. Many Courts are trying their hardest to implement the safest ways to accommodate people who need to access their services. This will require patience and understanding while we go through this difficult transition. 

What to expect: 

·      Be prepared for a screening prior to being allowed to enter the Court. This will include questions about how you are feeling, and having your temperature taken.

·      Be prepared to wait outside the Court room. It already takes time to navigate the Court system. It will take longer now as we have to deal with new imposed social distancing restrictions.

·      Be prepared to use technology like zoom, or Skype to appear in Court. This will be more utilized in the civil arena than criminal matters but it may be explored in some criminal matters.

·      Be prepared for specific time allotments. Many courts are scheduling hearings at specific times. This will mean that you will need to be on time for your allotted period or you will face having your case dismissed, continued, or a warrant issued for failure to appear.

·      Be prepared to be compassionate to the staff. They are already overworked and now they are facing a populace that will be agitated and on edge. Don’t be rude. Try and imagine their position and what it would be like to have to be in their shoes.

What is the best way to handle all of these new restrictions? Hire a lawyer. Let me navigate this maze for you. I can limit your need to be present or handle the case without your presence entirely. This will apply to most cases. There are some cases, such as felony charges, that will require your presence but, even then, we can limit how often you need to appear. Most importantly, if you have a legal issue or question call me immediately. The sooner you contact me the sooner I can help you resolve it. Remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren!  504-300-8338.