Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


Legal Blog & Firm News

Hire a lawyer and avoid the trip to Court!

For most people, the thought of having to go to Court is nauseating. It requires taking time off, moving schedules, and waiting for long periods of time. Now, it also carries the risk of exposure to COVID-19. There is some good news for people in Louisiana; hiring a lawyer can save you the headache on all of these issues.

For most misdemeanor and traffic violations in Louisiana, you can have a lawyer appear on your behalf. These are the charges that the vast majority of people face when they have an interaction with the criminal justice system. However, with a pandemic raging across our country we should all try to avoid congregating in large groups. In their very nature Court’s hold large groups of people together while each case is handled. 

What does this mean to you? If you have received a misdemeanor or traffic offense in Louisiana, you should call me to discuss your case. Most likely, I will be able to appear on your behalf so you will not need to come to Court. This will save you from having to take off from work, worry about who might have to watch your children, or most importantly, it will allow you to avoid having to go stand in a large group of people. We want everyone to be safe during this pandemic. Call me at 504-300-8338! Remember… When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren!