Matthew McLaren provides dedicated legal representation throughout the greater New Orleans area.


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Can you get a DUI on a bike?

After a year and a half of COVID-related shutdowns, festival season is beginning again in Louisiana. As more businesses re-open, we are going to see an increase of people getting intoxicated, and, likely, an increase in drunk driving. Drunk driving is dangerous and illegal and Ubers can be expensive, although they are much cheaper than a DUI. After a long night out of partying, you may have wondered to yourself if you can get a DUI on a bike.

Short answer No.

That doesn’t mean you can’t get into trouble for riding a bike while intoxicated. Louisiana DUI laws focus on motorized vehicles, such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and yes even airplanes. A bike is not a motorized vehicle and therefore would not be subject to the DUI laws. However, a police officer can stop you if you are causing a dangerous situation to yourself or others while riding a bike under the influence.

You can be stopped and arrested for public intoxication. You also could be cited for disobeying traffic laws. While operating a bicycle, you are supposed to follow the same traffic laws as cars and trucks. A cop who wants to make a point can certainly make your life more difficult if you are riding a bike while intoxicated.

That being said, riding a bike while intoxicated is certainly a far better choice than driving a car while intoxicated. Be careful, and make sure if you are too drunk you get a ride from a friend, take a cab, Uber, or Lyft. If you do ride and are stopped by the police, remember to be cooperative and as polite as possible.

Call us immediately if you receive a ticket or are arrested. The sooner we can get started on your case, the more likely we can achieve a better outcome for you. Call us today to discuss any legal issues at 504-300-8338. And remember … When No One’s Carin’ Call McLaren!